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AMBUCS CLUBS: Daughters of the
American Revolution, Francis Rainey Chapter NSDAR Daughters of the
Republic of Texas DRT Headquarters Hispanic Association of Women HAW meetings are held every second Tuesday of every month at 5:30 p.m, City Bank, located at 5219 City Bank Parkway - Griffith Center (basement). KIWANIS CLUBS: LIONS
CLUBS: Lubbock Area Republican Women 11:45 a.m. fourth Thursday, Lubbock Club, 1300 Broadway. 744-7188. Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Lubbock/South Plains Chapter 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays, 916 Main St., suite 606. 793-6233. National Exchange
Club of Lubbock.
Meets 1st and 3rd Thursday at noon at Super 8 at 6510 S Interstate I-27
& Hwy 84 806-783-9310. ROTARY
CLUBS: Soroptimist International of Lubbock noon third Tuesday and fourth Wednesday, Mickie's Steakhouse, 8301 Indiana Ave. Program. 788-2819. Texas Twisters Ski Club Snow sking club is a member of the Texas Ski Council and sponsor ski trips all over the country at excellent prices. Membership is open to all ages - adults and children. Our membership is mostly 30 to 50 years old. We are not -for- profit. We meet the 2nd Tues of the month. Contact Tom Oxford at 792-9999. Hazel 793-3444 or [email protected] or Paula at [email protected] for meeting time and a date. Business Clubs American Business Women's Association: Lubbock Area Lights Chapter — 6:30 p.m. fourth Tuesday, Lubbock Women's Club, 2020 Broadway. (806) 544-4306 (for meal reservation). American Institute of Architects - The Garden and Arts Center Downtown Chapter of the American Business Club noon, Fridays, 50-Yard Line Restaurant, 2549 S. Loop 289. 763-4665. Lubbock Advertising Federation noon fourth Thursday, LakeRidge Country Club, 8802 Vicksburg Ave. 745-9004. Lubbock Chapter of the Association of Women in Communication noon first and second Tuesday, Lubbock Women's Club, 2020 Broadway. 766-8620. Lubbock Insurance Association noon second Tuesday, Mickie's Steakhouse, 8301 Indiana Ave. 798-9065. Lubbock Legal Secretaries Association 7 p.m.,third Tuesday. Call for location. 775-1040. Lubbock Music Teachers Association 9:30 a.m. first Friday September through November, January and March through May, Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. 745-1445. National Association of Current and Retired Federal Employees Chapter 244 11:30 a.m. first Wednesday, Mickie's Steakhouse, 8301 Indiana Ave. 799-6796. Service Corps of Retired Executives 10 a.m. second Wednesday, SCORE office, 1405 Texas Ave., room 411-D. 472-7462 extension 226. South Plains Day Home Association 7 p.m. third Tuesday, St. Matthew's United Methodist Church, 5320 50th St. 793-8131. Texas Retired Teachers Association, Lubbock South Plains Chapter 11:30 a.m. fourth Thursday, Lubbock Women's Club, 2020 Broadway. 797-7870. Toastmasters
helps people develop their public speaking and presentation skills. West Texas Chapter of ASTD (American Society of Training & Development) is a professional organization for people with training responsibilities. Members include training directors, internal trainers, consultants, human resource managers, teachers, students, curriculum designers. We meet the second Friday of the month at 11:45 am -1:15 pm. Location varies each month Program cost is $10 for members and $15 for non-members. Program includes lunch. 742-0530 Hobby
& Interest Clubs Arts & Crafts check out the Arts pages Auto/Car
Clubs Lubbock Area Square
and Round Dance Federation Lessons beginning in October 2007: Lubbock Senior Dance Association 7-10 p.m. second and fourth Saturdays, 2001 19th St. Country music. 745-2504 or 794-8367. Lubbock Swings Dance Group meets weekly to teach the Lindy Hop style of swing dancing and to just have fun. The group typically meets every Thursday from 7pm - 9pm at St. Paul's Historic Chapel , located at 4011 University (at 41st ). The small chapel is located on the grounds of the Hodges Community center at that same address. Couples and singles are welcome to come and learn or just observe. Admittance is $5. Lessons from 7-8pm South Plains Area Singles Club - Our dance is for 30 years and older and single. The dance is at Chances R, 5610 Frankford, every 1st and 3rd Sunday's of the month. 6-10pm We have a live Country Western band Cadillac Jack and have lots of fun. Cover Charge: $5 Contact number for information: 667-3382 Southwest Regional Balloon Club 7 p.m. second Wednesday, ground floor classroom, PNB Financial, 5010 University Ave. 863-2856. Breast-feeding Support Group 11 a.m.-noon, second Wednesdays, Covenant Medical Center, West 2 Classroom. 725-0539. Heritage Study Club 11:30 a.m. third Tuesday September through May. Lubbock Women's Club, 2020 Broadway. 799-7346. Lubbock Mothers
of Multiples 6:30 p.m. third Tuesday,Aldersgate, 10306 Indiana,
(806) 786-3585. Smoothing the Way Home School Support Group 7 p.m. Thursdays, call for dates, Grove Library, 5520 19th St. 766-7364. Caprock Bird Club - Focusing on breeding and showing of exotic and pet birds. 744-7006 Llano Estacado Audubon Society - The Garden and Arts Center Lubbock Council of Garden Clubs - The Garden and Arts Center Lubbock Freecycle - An organization focused on keeping items out of the landfill. See http://www.Freecycle.org or visit our group at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/LubbockFreecycle Lubbock Green noon Tuesdays and Wednesdays, Wall of Honor Room, South Plains Food Bank, 4612 Locust Ave. 762-3831 or 632-6318. Lubbock Master Gardeners Association 6:30 p.m. first Tuesday, Mahon Library, 1306 9th St. or Breedlove Dehydration Plant, 1818 N. MLK Blvd. 780-0701. Lubbock Memorial Arboretum Foundation Board Meeting 7 p.m. third Thursday, 4111 University Ave. 797-4520. Lubbock Memorial Arboretum Foundation 9:30 a.m. second Saturday, 4111 University Ave. 797-4520. Lubbock Gem and Mineral Society 7:00 p.m. first Tuesday, Forrest Heights United Methodist Church, 3007 33rd Street. Call 746-4936 or 894-1584 for more information. Native Plant Society of Texas, South Plains Chapter 7 p.m. first Thursday, Lubbock Arboretum, 4111 University Ave. 793-0982. Petal Pushers Garden Club 9:30 a.m. second Thursday, Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. September through May. 795-4981. South Plains Iris Society - 7 p.m., fourth Monday, Mahon Library, 1306 9th St. 797-6913. South Plains Plant Society 7 p.m. fourth Thursday, Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. Meets February through October. 748-6333. Ale-ian Society of Lubbock 7 p.m. second Friday http://www.ale-iansociety.org/ American Contract Bridge League Bridge Center, 2563 74th St. Slates bridge games for various player levels weekly. 745-2817. Caprock Classic Car Club - The Garden and Arts Center CDC: Caprock Dive Club - 6:30 p.m. last Tuesday, River Smith's unless otherwise notified. Formed for the purpose of getting SCUBA divers together to meet each other and plan trips. They are a "Park Buddy" sponsoring a marine reserve in Belize. Mindy McPherson - President www.caprockdiveclub.com. Extension Education Club 10 a.m. first and third Tuesday, Precinct 2 Community Center, 750 W. Garza St., Slaton. 745-5329. Lubbock Amateur Radio Club 7:30 p.m. first Thursday, Southwestern Public Service Building, Frankford Avenue just inside Loop 289. 797-6912. Lubbock Book Crossers - Book lovers meet up once a month to discuss and trade books, have coffee, and chat. Our membership is free. For meeting dates, times, and locations, please visit our site at http://bookcrossing.meetup.com/311/ Lubbock Model Railroad
Association - Regular club meetings at The Hope Lutheran Church 5700-98th
Street. Meeting time is 7:30p.m. The meeting is on the first Monday of
every month. New guests are welcome. Marathon Bridge
- The Garden and Arts Center New Neighbors - The Garden and Arts Center New Neighbors Club 10:30 a.m. second Friday, various sites. 794-2783. Parents, Family
and Friends of Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals 7 p.m. third Tuesdays.
Prairie Winds Chorus, Sweet Adelines International 7 p.m. Mondays, Calvary Baptist Church, 5301 82nd St. 799-7464. Ranch Hosts March spring meeting, October fall meeting. Interpreters at the National Ranching Center. 797-0428, 742-0498. Scrabble Players Club No. 124 — 6:00 p.m., Wendy's at 19th near University. Call or email for details and to verify meeting plans. 795-1800, 747-6571, 747-3857. Annual tournament in November. [email protected] Singles Mingle 7 p.m., First United methodist Church Outreach Center, 1520 13th St. 791-3555. South Plains Coin Club 7 p.m. third Tuesday, Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. 792-0428. South Plains Genealogy
Society 7 p.m. second Tuesday and some Saturdays, Mahon Library,
1306 Ninth St. 792-6606. South Plains Stamp Club 7:30 p.m. third Tuesday, Garden and Arts Center, 4215 University Ave. 799-5410. West Texas Native American Association - Second Saturday of the month, 7:00 PM at Groves Library, 5520 19th St. The Association was formed to provide fellowship to all Native Americans and interested non-Native Americans, to educate and raise public awareness, to preserve Native American culture and to promote traditional ways of conservation. President - Bill Skillman 793-1342 West Texas Running Club - 9 p.m.,first Tuesday, 1623 10th St. 766-0355. West Texas Wizards, International Brotherhood of Magicians, Ring No. 217 7:30 p.m. first Thursday, Carillon Club House, 1717 Norfolk Ave. 281-6365. Widows Support Group 10 a.m.-noon, Fridays, Day Break Coffee Roasters, 4406-C 19th St. 795-2751. Zeta Omicron - The Garden and Arts Center. Carillon House Family Support Group 5:30 pm. third Thursday, Carillon House, 1717 Norfolk Ave., 3rd flood conference room. 281-6117. Coping With Breast Cancer 7 p.m.-8 p.m. , fourth Monday, American Cancer Society, 3411 73rd St. 792-7126. Diabetes Support Group (Plainview) 7 p.m., third Mondays, Covenant Hospital Plainview, Max Gabriel Conference Room. (806) 296-5531. Diabetes Support Group (Lubbock) 5:30 p.m. second and fourth Tuesday most months (but call to verify), Mae Simmons Community Center, 23rd Street and Oak Street. 743-4461 or 743-4145. Journey of Hope
6:30 p.m. Tuesdays, Second Center, 5300 Elgin. For families of
people with serious mental illness. 798-7931. Living Well with Diabetes noon, first Mondays, Highland Medical Office Building, 2424 50th St., Diabetes Classroom 207. 788-4261. Look Good ... Feel Better, American Cancer Society 6:30 p.m. second Monday (but call to verify), 3411 73rd St. For women suffering from cancer. 792-7126. Lubbock Stroke Club 11:30 a.m. third Tuesday. Furr's Cafeteria, 6001 Slide Road. 791-2563 or 799-0231. Man to Man 7 p.m. third Monday, American Cancer Society offices, 3411 73rd St. Prostate cancer education and support group. 792-7126. Professional Caregivers Support Group 1:30 p.m., fourth Mondays, and 7p.m. second Thursdays, Quail Ridge Alzheimer's Special Care Center, 5204 Elgin Ave. For caregivers of Alzheimer's patients. 788-1919. South Plains Ostomy Association 6:30 p.m. third Tuesday, 3411 73rd St. 745-6472. Spinal Cord Injury Support Group 7 p.m. first Monday, White Outpatient Rehab Center of Covenant Health System, 4010 22nd St. Education and support provided. Call to verify meeting. 725-5627. Share & Care Group noon, fourth Tuesdays, VistaCare Family Hospice, 7606 University Ave., suite C. Support group for caregivers . Lunch provided. 748-1041 or 800-499-3464. Stroke Survivors and Caregivers Support Group 11 a.m., third Tuesdays, Furr's Family Dining, 6001 Slide Road. 791-2563. Stuttering Support Group 6 p.m., call for date, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center-Language and Hearing Clinic, 3601 Fourth St., suite 2A300. 743-5660, extension 225. Civil Air Patrol
- Civilian Auxiliary of the Air Force Meet every Tuesday from
6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Location is Chaparral Jet Center in East Port of the
Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport. Cadets ages 12-18, senior
members ages 18 and older. Point of contact is [email protected] Military Order of the Purple Heart 9:45 a.m. first Saturday, Jo Ann's Restaurant, 710 Highway 62-82 in Wolfforth. 296-937. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2466 8 p.m., Wednesdays Eagle Lodge 4271, 507 County Road 7300. 747-2668. City of Lubbock
Pipe Band - Meets
every Friday night at 7 p.m. at Haynes Blarney Stone Equestrian 4-H Club 6:30 p.m. second Tuesday, Blarney Stone Equestrian Center, 6612 114th Street. For ages18 and younger; horses not required. 794-5888. Chaparral Cycling Club conducts various mountain and road bike rides weekly. 792-8573 or 798-3342. Lubbock Bicycle Club Conducts various rides throughout the city weekly. 794-1900.
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